Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Hey, you found us! This is going to be our Small Group Connecting place for the next couple of months. We hope that you use this site not only to get content for your group discussions, but to also participate in making this a meaningful resource for our groups.

Every other week or so, I will be posting Small Group discussion material based on my next sermon series on the life of King David. However, for our first Small Group night on the week of April 22, I want to develop a set of questions that will help groups reflect and learn from the Alpha and FIA experiences that some of their members may have had.

As I prepare that first session, I would love to hear from you about what kinds of themes/questions that you would like to discuss as you look ahead to reuniting with your Small Group. I would also welcome thoughts about how to use a blog like this to encourage and support the important ministry that happens in our Small Groups! Feel free to post your ideas!



margie said...

Wow! This will be great! This can only lead to some amazing discussions!

Unknown said...

Well, I know for our group I will be asking, "where do we go from here?" We've connected with other people outside of our group, some of whom aren't in small groups and are looking. We need to talk about enfolding them.

I think there should be regular volunteer opportunities posted. There are people in our church who cannot commit to church activities due to work or personal schedules. Once in a while volunteering is better for them, like for a one day event, and that makes them to feel connected to our church and good about serving, instead of guilty for not being able to help out. FIA was so great for the people of our church! :)

My 2 cents,


An and Derek said...

The blog is a great idea! Looking forward to using this resource. Am also relieved that there will be discussion questions available- It's rather tricky to find something "curriculum-wise" that will bring us back together as a small group. We have some new couples in our group too and haven't really had a chance to get to know them on a deeper level. We're excited to start back up again.